Thursday, April 22, 2010


Abiogenesis. The Origin of Life. That is what the scientists call it. Hmmmm.

See here's the thing. The scientific reasons for the beginning of life neither prove nor disprove the existence of Divinity as the Creator. Simply put, things could have occurred in any way that Divinity chose to spin it. And does not all history serve as an example that such Divinity clearly has a sense of humor?

As if a few billion years would mean anything to the Creator. Of Time.

It gets worse. Since the existence of Divinity cannot be shown by the scientific method, then what, pray tell, is the compelling reason for those with intellect to believe in such Divinity?

Wait for it.......

Because a belief in such Divinity has profound beneficial effects on the believer. It is good for humans to believe. Otherwise hubris gets in the way. Of everything.

Spiritual humility is the apple to the orange of organized religion. The first is an essential part of being human. Of seeing ourselves as part of the larger world. The second is about money and power. And hubris. Depends upon your perspective, I guess, but it seems to me that most organized religions are about usurping the power of Divinity for themselves.

Finally, a corollary to the Cartesian Proof. God exists because Life is better than TV.

F. Lynn ~ Boston

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