Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Today, Mullah Omar, the leader of the Afghani Taliban instructed his followers to continue the jihad against American forces and Americans as a whole. Yes! Let us continue the Jihad!! Let's impose mandatory military service for all American males 18-25. Fix up an army of 2-3 million guys and let them clean house from Islamabad to Jerusalem. Fix Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq all at once. Alexander did it and so can we. All it takes is the will. The will to treat these barbarians like an ENEMY. Because that is what they are. They want to bring down Western Civilization as a whole and replace it with a medieval version of an inferior religion that suppresses human rights at every opportunity and especially focuses on marginalizing women as property. Destroy them. They are asking for it. And for those of you who say we can't, think again. It is merely a matter of will. No nation was more fanatical than the Japanese of WWII. No nation except America, Australia, England and Canada. To all of you Muslim may very well get a martyr's death. Just like the Nazi bastards did. But no one really thinks of a Nazi as a martyr now, do they?

Rick Poure and F. Lynn
NYC ~ Boston

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