Saturday, April 18, 2009



So.  A big surprise.  Iran jails an American woman journalist for eight years in a kangaroo trial and North Korea arrests two American women journalists for investigation as spies.  These are our Mata Haris?  Come on.  I will bet that Iran uses the “pardoning” and accompanying deportation, of their prisoner by the Gangster Ahmadinejad as a political tool to build good will with the USA.  It is a set-up.  Not North Korea though.  They are just pushing our buttons in an utterly juvenile attempt at getting attention.  Those people conduct themselves with the intellectual stamina of a clam.  This is what happens when the Mafia takes over your country.  And unfortunately those types respond best to being put in a cage or just done away with.  History is full of the names, I won’t repeat them here.  But the other thing that history tells is that having patience with brutal and tyrannical despots and their oppressive regimes brings no good.  This is reality, not warmongering.  Winston Churchill knew that these things were true about tyrants.  So did Washington, Adams, etc.  How long do you think that those leaders would have put up with Kim shooting missiles anywhere near Japan?  Or Iran pretending they are not building a nuke?  Do you think that Israel believes them?


By the way.  The Iranian Navy has a whole bunch of fast little gun and missile boats stacked up right near the Strait of Hormuz.  How about helping out with those pirates?  Last I heard, the Caliphs didn’t approve of that stuff anymore than the King of England did.  Build some good will, act responsible.  Besides, blasting those Somali bastards to hell will be good practice.  Keep going the way you are and you will need it.


F. Lynn

Boston Correspondent

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