Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Americans have the responsibility to bring democratic forms of government to all the people of the world.  The responsibility comes from whatever Deity may or may not exist.  Indeed, in God we do trust.  On a more secular plane, we bear the responsibility because we started It in the modern world.  It being the idea of government of the people, for the . . by the. . . etc.  It is also not enough to say that the existence of our type of freedom, predicated on the notion that all are created equal and consecrated with the blood of thousands, should be limited to our shores.  Instead we must view the spreading of liberal democracy as a human responsibility.  It’s pretty clearly established that the other ways result in petty or not so petty tyrants who rarely acknowledge the error of their ways and kill a few thousand or million of the rest of us along the way..  So far it seems the good guys are winning at this.  Three-quarters of the world's governments are today either a democracy of sorts or headed that way.  Even Libya.  And if we leave a functioning democracy in Iraq then shouldn’t that more than justify regime change?  And we can.  We have in Germany and Japan to name the two most successful ones.  And if others say we are wrong, it is not our business, by what right do we do these things then here is your answer.  If not we, then who?   Rogue nations like Iran and North Korea represent a threat to the rest of the peaceful world that we as Americans and the strongest military power in history just DO NOT HAVE TO PUT UP WITH.  They are dangerous lunatics.  Sure it will take time and treasure and blood.  And sure, we’d love some help.  But the world we leave behind will be far, far better.  Not to advocate all out war or mass mobilization.  But when we do act to take out a brutal despot lets not get all wishy-washy about whether this was right or wrong.  As human beings this is right to do.  When our fellow man is being institutionally brutalized, we must act.  If one has any decency at all then one should feel compelled.  The Holocaust occurred less than 100 years ago.  Kim starves his own people while he fantasizes about being an American movie star. Ahmadinejad postures like a gangster in his sport coat and open shirt,  reminding us of Pacino in Scarface!  These people expect us, our President, to show respect for them?  By our standards they are criminals.  Dangerous lunatics.  And please don’t tell us that you have a different culture, or that you have done it this way forever.  America has every race, creed, and ethnicity and for the most part we live in harmony and do it without imposing bizarre restrictions on women, brutally punishing minor offences by any humanistic standard, or espousing vitriolic hatred against other peoples who do not believe as we do.  The American form of government has given rise to individual freedom of the greatest capacity in history.  That is why we get to say that we are right and we know it.  Because we have results that can prove it.  Truth is an idea that works in practical experience.  Self-government results in peaceful nations that live in harmony.  We should be zealous in promulgating individual freedom because it is in the best interests of all people of the world if all people of the world govern themselves.


F. Lynn


Boston Correspondent

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